Vol. 52, No. 3, Feb. 2025 |
World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki, 2024 revision: Celebrating the 60th anniversary, at Helsinki /
For the 2024 revision of the Declaration of Helsinki (Part 2): Webinar proceedings and statements from external stakeholders |
Vol.52, No.2, Dec. 2024 |
Current status and challenges in pharmaceutical medicine / Evaluation of COVID-19 Vaccine Safety |
Vol.52, Suppl 40, 2024 |
ヘルスデータサイエンス学会 第2回学術集会
The Second Annual Conference of the Society for Health Data Science |
Vol.52, No.1, Jul. 2024 |
次世代の研究開発基盤・コロナ禍を超えて/ 「ヘルシンキ宣言」2024年改訂に向けて-「グローバルヘルスのための倫理的イノベーション」より
Cornerstone of next generation research and development: Overcoming COVID-19 pandemic /
For the 2024 revision of the Declaration of Helsinki: From the “Ethical innovation for global health” |
Vol.51, No.3, Feb. 2024 |
~群馬大学大学院 医理工レギュラトリーサイエンス学環設置 プレシンポジウム~
Data science from the view of the Regulatory Science and Open Science: Theory and human resource development
~Pre-symposium for the establishment of Interfaculty Initiative in Regulatory Science of Biomedical Science and Engineering, Gunma University~ |
Vol.51, Suppl 39, 2024 |
医薬品の開発,規制,安全な使用への患者参画:CIOMS作業部会XI 報告書
Patient involvement in the development, regulation and safe use of medicines: Report of the CIOMS Working Group XI |
Vol.51, No.2, Oct. 2023 |
ヘルスデータサイエンス学会 第1回学術集会
The First Annual Conference of the Society for Health Data Science |
Vol.51, No.1, Jul. 2023 |
21世紀メディカルAIフォーラム 第1回21世紀メディカルAIシンポジウム 予測科学としての臨床医学のフロンティア
Frontier of Clinical Medicine as Predictive Science |
Vol.50, No.4, Feb. 2023 |
Data science and research ethics to achieve the SDGs: The future of regulatory science and academic journalss |
Vol.50, No.3, Dec. 2022 |
生命倫理セミナー 第1回 バイオエシックスの展開とSDGs/生命倫理セミナー 第2回 患者が考える生命倫理
The 1st Bioethics Seminar Development of bioethics and SDGs / The 2nd Bioethics Seminar Patient-oriented Bioethics |
Vol.50, No.2, Oct. 2022 |
一般財団法人LHS研究所 設立一周年記念シンポジウム
LHSI - the first anniversary commemoration symposium |
Vol.50, No.1, Jun. 2022 |
The current state of the legal framework for research involving humans: International and domestic analysis |
Vol.49, No.3, Feb. 2022 |
第12回 日本製薬医学会 年次大会「製薬医学の新しい様式」/
The 12th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Pharmaceutical Medicine 2021 /
Perspectives for overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic: Science, society and medicine: the 2nd session |
Vol.49, Suppl XXXVIII 2021 |
COVID-19と生命倫理 Part 3:パンデミックと研究倫理-民主主義,プラセボ,試験終了後アクセス
COVID-19 and bioethics Part 3: Pandemic and research ethics-Democracy, placebo and post-trial access |
Vol.49, No.2, Sep. 2021 |
Research Meeting and Webinar on Cutaneous Leishmaniasis (CL): Research and development for neglected diseases and associated social issues |
Vol.49, No.1, May 2021 |
The effects on sales volume share of value-added generic drugs ~A complex analysis of pharmaceutical companies’ motivation to develop value-added generic drugs~ |
Vol.48, Suppl XXXVII 2021 |
The real status of Japan’s “2040 issue”: The role and mission of TRI / Road to Learning Health Society |
Vol.48, No.3, Dec. 2020 |
Perspectives for overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic: Science, society, and medicine |
Vol.48, No.2, Oct. 2020 |
Medical Innovation and Longevity (the 2nd session): “Centenarian heart” and “cancer genome medicine” |
Vol.48, No.1, Jun. 2020 |
第40回日本臨床薬理学会学術総会(2019年)会長企画シンポジウム 国際共同研究における研究倫理の新潮流/
第120回くすり勉強会 国際共同研究の倫理:ブラジルからの視座
Presidential Symposium in the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2019 International Collaborative Research and New Trends of Research Ethics /
The 120th Pharmaceutical Study Group Meeting Ethics of international collaborative research: Perspectives from Brazil |
Vol.47, No.3, Feb. 2020 |
The 2nd meeting on the future perspective of the pharmaceutical industry utilizing Real-World Data and Digital Health /
Methodology of risk-benefit assessment and standardization of voting options in IRBs /
The mission and experience of layperson members of the IRB/EC in Korea and Japan |
Vol.47, No.2, Nov. 2019 |
The 19th International Conference in Pharmaceutical Medicine (ICPM) 2018 (Tokyo): The Future of Medicines Development |
Vol.47, Suppl XXXVI 2019 |
Achievements of AMED and exponential research and development in Japan
The Steps to Disease Control: University’s mission to establish an R&D
ecosystem |
Vol.47, No.1, Jun. 2019 |
Product development and innovation in the era of Digital Health / Academia-initiated product development and the Clinical Trials Act |
Vol.46, No.3・4, Feb. 2019 |
臨床試験データ共有・臨床研究法に関する最新動向 / FDA・EMA植物性医薬品開発ガイダンス/
Clinical trial data sharing; Clinical Trial Act in Japan / FDA・EMA Guidance on botanical/herbal product development/
From the symposium titled “Product development and research ethics: the past, present and future”at the 16th annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies |
Vol.46, No.2, Sep. 2018 |
Perspectives toward global health: Life-saving portfolios /
Front line of academia-initiated product development / Regulatory considerations in Japan and the US |
Vol.46, No.1, Jun. 2018 |
Actual status and future perspective of clinical trial data sharing-Ethics,
credibility, and available technology for trial data linkage- /
The past, present and future of bioethics and research ethics (Part VI) |
Vol.45, No.4, Feb. 2018 |
Paradigms shift of drug discovery, development and lifetime management
(Part II) /
The past, present and future of bioethics and research ethics (Part V) |
Vol.45, No.3, Nov. 2017 |
日本薬学会第137年会(仙台) 一般シンポジウム 日本発 顧みられない熱帯病創薬におけるパートナーシップの最前線/
Partnership for NTDs drug discovery originated in Japan /
The past, present and future of bioethics and research ethics (Part IV) |
Vol.45, No.2, Aug. 2017 |
5th World Centenarian Initiative 脳卒中予防・治療戦略国際シンポジウム/生命倫理と研究倫理の過去・現在・未来(第3回)
5th World Centenarian Initiative International Symposium on Stroke /
The past, present and future of bioethics and research ethics (Part III) |
Vol.45, No.1, Apr. 2017 |
生命倫理と研究倫理の過去・現在・未来(第2回)/2nd Taiwan-Japan Academic Research Organization Workshop/
ASIA ARO Network Workshop
The past, present and future of bioethics and research ethics (Part II) / 2nd Taiwan-Japan Academic Research Organization Workshop / ASIA ARO Network Workshop |
Vol.44, No.4, Feb. 2017 |
4th World Centenarian Initiative 第2回 弘前医療技術イノベーションシンポジウム/
Overcoming neurodegenerative diseases by innovative therapeutic developments /
4th World Centenarian Initiative 2nd Medical Technological Innovation Symposium in Hirosaki /
Toward the global standardization of molecular imaging biomarkers |
Vol.44, No.3, Dec. 2016 |
創薬・開発と育薬のパラダイムシフト/Taiwan-Japan Academic Research Organization Workshop 2015/
3rd World Centenarian Initiative ALS病治療戦略国際シンポジウム
Paradigms shift of drug discovery, development and lifetime management
Taiwan-Japan Academic Research Organization Workshop 2015 /
3rd World Centenarian Initiative International Symposium on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis |
Vol.44, No.2, Jun. 2016 |
第14回 瀬戸内国際臨床試験カンファレンス/生命倫理と研究倫理の過去・現在・未来(第1回)
The 14th Setouchi International Conference on Clinical Trials /
The past, present and future of bioethics and research ethics (Part I) |
Vol.44, No.1, Apr. 2016 |
2nd World Centenarian Initiative アルツハイマー病予防戦略国際シンポジウム/
第30回 日本国際保健医療学会 学術大会2015 グローバルヘルスの潮流
2nd World Centenarian Initiative International Symposium on Alzheimer's Diseases Prevention Strategy /
The 30th Japan Association for International Health Congress 2015 Trend in global health and infectious diseases |
Vol.43, No.2, Jan. 2016 |
平成26年度厚生労働科学特別研究事業 進捗管理班
(難治性疾患実用化研究・腎疾患実用化研究・慢性の痛み解明研究)成果報告会 難病制圧に向けて/
文部科学省 橋渡し研究加速ネットワークプログラム がん統合戦略会議
Rare and Intractable Diseases Translational Research Conference 2014 Toward the New Horizon of Rare Disease /
Consolidated strategic meeting for cancer research and management in disruptive
innovation era |
Vol.43, Suppl XXXV 2015 |
文部科学省・厚生労働省 革新的医療技術創出拠点プロジェクト
Public Debriefing Session 2014 |
Vol.43, No.1, Aug. 2015 |
文部科学省 橋渡し研究加速ネットワークプログラム 第2回海外TRセンターワークショップ/
日本薬学会 第135年会 シンポジウム 日本発 顧みられない熱帯病治療薬開発への挑戦
The 33rd Aso-Kujyu Conference on Clinical Pharmacology /
Consolidated Strategic Meeting on Development of Next-generation Cancer
Molecular-targeted Therapy /
The 2nd Translational Research Center Workshop /
The challenge of developing new treatments for NTDs originating from Japan
Vol.43, Suppl XXXIV 2015 |
Moving beyond the Comfort Zone |
Vol.42, Suppl XXXIII 2014 |
文部科学省・厚生労働省 平成25年度成果報告会
Public Debriefing Session 2013 |
Vol.42, No.2, Oct. 2014 |
The 12th Setouchi International Conference on Clinical Trials /
The 32nd Aso-Kujyu Conference on Clinical Pharmacology /
Medical Innovation Management and the trend of data standardization |
Vol.42, No.1, Jul. 2014 |
TRI10周年記念シンポジウム 1st World Centenarian Initiative 脊髄損傷に対する革新的治療法開発の現状と展望/
文部科学省 橋渡し研究加速ネットワークプログラム 海外TRセンターワークショップ
Overcoming neuronal system refractory diseases: The current situation and
future prospects for the development of innovative therapies for spinal
cord injury / Translational Research Center Workshop |
Vol.42, Suppl XXXII 2014 |
Next Steps and Actions as one of the Leading Countries |
Vol.41, No.4, Feb. 2014 |
Reformation of clinical research and medical innovation policies in Japan: Challenges and opportunities /
Reflecting on the credibility of investigator-initiated clinical trials /
The regulations and credibility of investigator-initiated clinical trials in the United States and Europe |
Vol.41, No.3, Jan. 2014 |
第3回早期臨床試験国際会議/緊急特集 疫学・臨床研究統合指針中間取りまとめに対する意見
The 3rd International Symposium of Early Stage Clinical Trial /
Urgent special topic Opinions on the concept paper of integrating epidemiological and clinical guidelines |
Vol.41, No.2, Oct. 2013 |
第11回 瀬戸内国際臨床試験カンファレンス/
The 11st Setouchi International Conference on Clinical Trials /
Expert Conference on the Revision of the Declaration of Helsinki in Tokyo
/ Neurosurgical treatment of psychiatric disorders |
Vol.41, No.1, Jul. 2013 |
文部科学省 橋渡し研究加速ネットワークプログラム 平成24年度成果報告会
Public Debriefing Session 2012 |
Vol.40, No.2, Mar. 2013 |
Dawning of the “Sunshine Act”: Towards a new phase of conflict of interest
management /
The 2nd International Symposium of Early Stage Clinical Trial / The 31st Aso-Kuju Conference on Clinical Pharmacology |
Vol.40, No.1, Oct. 2012 |
New trend of clinical trial and clinical research / The 10th Setouchi International Conference on Clinical Trials |
Vol.40, Suppl XXXI 2012 |
文部科学省 橋渡し研究支援推進プログラム
Public Debriefing Session 2011 |
Vol.40, Suppl XXX 2012 |
Innovative Strategies for Enhancing Regional Drug Development as a Global Drug Development |
Vol.39, No.3, Mar. 2012 |
厚生労働省治験中核病院 臨床研究基盤整備事業 治験中核病院・拠点医療機関連携セミナー
The 30th Aso-Kuju Conference on Clinical Pharmacology / First-in-Human Trial Seminar & Workshop |
Vol.39, No.2, Oct. 2011 |
文部科学省 橋渡し研究支援推進プログラム
早期臨床試験国際会議 in Beppu
Public Debriefing Session 2010 / International symposium of early stage clinical trial in Beppu |
Vol.39, No.1, Jun. 2011 |
The status and perspectives of compensation for research-related injuries |
Vol.39, Suppl XXIX 2011 |
Innovative Strategies for Future Objectives |
Vol.38, No.4, Mar. 2011 |
国際共同治験推進会議 in Matsuyama/脂肪組織由来幹細胞療法コンセンサス会議
The international conference in Matsuyama for promoting global clinical new drug developments / Consensus meeting for adipose tissue derived stem cell therapy |
Vol.38, No.3, Oct. 2010 |
文部科学省 橋渡し研究支援推進プログラム
The 8th Translational Research Educational Program / Public Debriefing Session 2009 |
Vol.38, No.2, Sep. 2010 |
The use of Bayesian statistics in clinical trials |
Vol.38, No.1, Jun. 2010 |
ICH-S7B, E14: The notifications in Japan and their impact on new drug development |
Vol.37, Suppl XXVIII 2010 |
Significance of Asian Studies in Simultaneous Global Clinical Trials |
Vol.37, No.2, Feb. 2010 |
国際共同治験推進会議 in Tokyo─見直そう国際共同治験のあり方と方向性─
The international meeting for promotion of global clinical development in Tokyo: What is the true endpoint of global clinical trials and how do we manage? |
Vol.37, No.1, Oct. 2009 |
10th annual meeting of the Japan Society of Clinical Pharmacological Studies / The 27th Aso-Kujyu Conference on Clinical Pharmacology |
Vol.37, Suppl XXVII 2009 |
Learning from Experience and New Challenges fot the Future |
Vol.36, Suppl XXVI 2009 |
福島雅典教授 退官記念講演会 臨床科学:その原理と実践─科学と人と法─
Clinical science:Principles and practice─Science, law and humanity─ |
Vol.36, No.3, Apr. 2009 |
Microdosing clinical trials of biologics |
Vol.36, No.2, Dec. 2008 |
Drug development and Medical Research Act in the Netherlands |
Vol.36, No.1, Aug. 2008 |
第47回日本定位・機能神経外科学会 特別企画 精神科領域疾患に対する脳深部刺激療法 The symposium on Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) therapy for Psychiatric Disorders At the 47th meeting of the Japan Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery |
Vol.35, No.3, Jun. 2008 |
J-CLIPNETの活動-グローバル早期臨床開発の基盤整備 J-CLIPNET - Bases for early phase global clinical development |
Vol.35, No.2, Dec. 2007 |
国際共同治験推進会議 in Beppu The international meeting for promotion of global clinical development in Beppu |
Vol.35, No.1, Sep. 2007 |
治験審査委員会ハンドブック A handbook for IRB members |
Vol.35, Suppl XXV 2007 |
日本版クリティカルパス・オポチュニティー Japan's Critical Path Opportunities |
Vol.34, No.3, May 2007 |
安全性情報の伝達と分析 Safety information: reporting, dissemination, and analysis |
Vol.34, No.2, Apr. 2007 |
産科の未来を考える What is the future of obstetric medicine? |
Vol.34, No.1, Feb. 2007 |
CIOMS生物医学研究指針 CIOMS Guidelines for Biomedical Research |
Vol.34, Suppl XXIV 2006 |
TGN1412事件とは何か? What is the TGN 1412 case ? |
Vol.33, No.3, Oct. 2006 |
トランスレーショナルリサーチの基盤 アカデミア主導治験による新規医療技術の開発
Basis of translational research: Academia-oriented clinical trials and new drug and medical technology development |
Vol.33, Suppl XXIII 2006 |
Development, Evaluation and Approval of New Drugs |
Vol.33, No.2, Apr. 2006 |
共立薬科大学 国際シンポジウム:東アジア・オセアニアにおける臨床試験の現状と展望
Position and role of the Asian and Oceanic regions in drug development |
Vol.33, No.1, Dec. 2005 |
ARO and IRB: Business-academia collaboration |
Vol.32, No.2・3, Sep. 2005 |
Risk management of pharmaceuticals ―product management and project management― |
Vol.32, Suppl XXII 2005 |
Global Development Strategies of New Drugs |
Vol.32, No.1, Apr. 2005 |
Clinical trial registration and the issue of "Mixed health insurance" |
Vol.32, Suppl XXI 2004 |
再生医療の医学的評価 骨髄と胎児由来の幹細胞臨床研究を例に
Scientific and ethical evaluation of regenerative medicine Focus on bone marrow and fetal stem cell clinical research |
Vol.31, No.3, Sep. 2004 |
Actual status of the new drug approval review system |
Vol.31, Suppl XX 2004 |
Forefront of New Drug Development Strategies |
Vol.31, No.2, Apr. 2004 |
The regulatory situations of clinical trials in the US, Europe and Asia |
Vol.31, No.1, Dec. 2003 |
The changing situation of clinical trials and support systems: Actual problems and how to solve them |
Vol.30, No.2・3, Sep. 2003 |
Clinical research in the "Bio-Genome Century" and the revised Pharmaceutical Affairs Law |
Vol.30, Suppl XIX 2003 |
Simultaneous, Worldwide Development Strategies |
Vol.30, Suppl XVIII 2003 |
有害事象の診断学-医薬品と有害事象との因果関係判定の手引- |
Vol.30, No.1, Oct. 2002 |
Quality assurance of investigator-oriented clinical research in Japan -Current status and efforts towards future development- |
Vol.29, No.2・3, May. 2002 |
Knowledge management and knowledge sharing |
Vol.29, Suppl XVII 2002 |
Bridging Strategies and Pharmacogenomics |
Vol.29, No.1, Nov. 2001 |
Drug safety-current status and future perspectives |
Vol.29, Suppl XVI 2001 |
Clinical Evaluation of OTC Drugs and Traditional Drugs |
Vol.28,Suppl XV 2001 |
Bridging Strategies |
Vol.28, No.3, Jun. 2001 |
The 2000 revision to the Declaration of Helsinki and ethics in this era of globalization |
Vol.28, No.2, Jan. 2001 |
Support systems for clinical trials under the new GCP |
Vol.28, No.1, Oct. 2000 |
External quality assurance in clinical trials |
Vol.27, Suppl XIV 2000 |
World wide view on development and evaluation of switched and direct OTC |
Vol.27, No.3, Apr. 2000 |
Information disclosure on clinical trials and international public health |
Vol.27, No.2, Dec. 1999 |
Present Status of Clinical Trials and Supporting Systems in Three Regions (Japan, the US and Europe) |
Vol.27, No.1, Sep. 1999 |
Application of Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials |
Vol.26, Suppl XIII 1999 |
Evidence of Off-Label Use of Drug |
Vol.26, No.3, Feb. 1999 |
Vol.26, No.2, Nov. 1998 |
Vol.26, No.1, Jul. 1998 |
Vol.25, No.2・3, Apr. 1998 |
Vol.25, No.1, Sep. 1997 |
Vol.25, Suppl XII 1997 |
Vol.24, No.2・3, May. 1997 |