Vol.48, No.3, Dec. 2020
Perspectives for overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic: Science, society, and medicine
EditorialTsubaki H 464Full text
Round table discussion
 Perspectives for overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic:
  Science, society, and medicine
Tsubaki H,Funatogawa I,
Saito M,Endo K,Kasanuki H
465-530Full text
・Forum COVID-19 Response
 Confronting the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan
  A proposal of two policies: Official Coronavirus Screening
   and data-driven approach
Kasanuki H 531-4Full text
Original article
 Considering the future of clinical research at the turning point
  of implementation of the new legislation in Japan
   -Consideration of flexible use of clinical evidence and current Japanese
    regulations; Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic-
Ohshima H,Aoyagi M,
Tajima M,et al.
535-49Full text
 COVID-19 and bioethics: Part1 Ethical Challenges and COVID-19
  The Recommendation No. 01/2020 of the Brazilian Society of Bioethics (SBB)
Greco D
Co-organized by the COVID-19 Task Force,
Japan Association for Bioethics
& Brazilian Society of Bioethics
 Brazilian Society of Bioethics (SBB) Recommendation No. 01/2020Brazilian Society of Bioethics 575-82Full text
Translations and explanatory articles
 Development and Licensure of Vaccines to Prevent COVID-19
  Guidance for Industry
U.S. Department of Health and Human services
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
(Trans. by Saio T,Kurihara C)
 On the FDA Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccine developmentKurihara C,Saio T 603-7Abstract
 Therapist drift: which is important experience or technique?Saio T 609-24Abstract
 On the death of a study subject in the first in human trial of E2082Saio T 625-42Full text
 The future of medicines development and the professional development
  for public engagement
Imamura K,Tsutsumi N 643-8Full text
Instructions for authors[Japanese]&[English] 649-57Full text
Editor’s noteNudeshima J 659Full text
[Electronic publications only]
 -COVID-19 and bioethics-
  Part1 Ethical Challenges and COVID-19: The Recommendation
   No. 01/2020 of the Brazilian Society of Bioethics(SBB)
Dirceu Greco
Co-organized by the COVID-19 Task Force,
Japan Association for Bioethics
& Brazilian Society of Bioethics
661-84Full text

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