Vol.48, No.3, Dec. 2020
Perspectives for overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic: Science, society, and medicine
EditorialTsubaki H 464Full text
Round table discussion
 Perspectives for overcoming the COVID-19 pandemic:
  Science, society, and medicine
Tsubaki H,Funatogawa I,
Saito M,Endo K,Kasanuki H
465-530Full text
・Forum COVID-19 Response
 Confronting the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan
  A proposal of two policies: Official Coronavirus Screening
   and data-driven approach
Kasanuki H 531-4Full text
Original article
 Considering the future of clinical research at the turning point
  of implementation of the new legislation in Japan
   -Consideration of flexible use of clinical evidence and current Japanese
    regulations; Lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic-
Ohshima H,Aoyagi M,
Tajima M,et al.
535-49Full text
 COVID-19 and bioethics: Part1 Ethical Challenges and COVID-19
  The Recommendation No. 01/2020 of the Brazilian Society of Bioethics (SBB)
Greco D
Co-organized by the COVID-19 Task Force,
Japan Association for Bioethics
& Brazilian Society of Bioethics
551-74Full text
 Brazilian Society of Bioethics (SBB) Recommendation No. 01/2020Brazilian Society of Bioethics 575-82Full text
Translations and explanatory articles
 Development and Licensure of Vaccines to Prevent COVID-19
  Guidance for Industry
U.S. Department of Health and Human services 
Food and Drug Administration
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research
(Trans. by Saio T,Kurihara C)
583-602 Full text
 On the FDA Guidance for COVID-19 Vaccine developmentKurihara C,Saio T 603-7Full text
 Therapist drift: which is important experience or technique?Saio T 609-24Full text
 On the death of a study subject in the first in human trial of E2082Saio T 625-42Full text
 The future of medicines development and the professional development
  for public engagement
Imamura K,Tsutsumi N 643-8Full text
Instructions for authors[Japanese]&[English] 649-57Full text
Editor’s noteNudeshima J 659Full text
[Electronic publications only]
 -COVID-19 and bioethics-
  Part1 Ethical Challenges and COVID-19: The Recommendation
   No. 01/2020 of the Brazilian Society of Bioethics(SBB)
Dirceu Greco
Co-organized by the COVID-19 Task Force,
Japan Association for Bioethics
& Brazilian Society of Bioethics
661-84Full text

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