Vol.48, No.1, Jun. 2020
Presidential Symposium in the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2019
International Collaborative Research and New Trends of Research Ethics /
The 120th Pharmaceutical Study Group Meeting Ethics of international collaborative research: Perspectives from Brazil
EditorialShimoda K,Watanabe H4Full text
【Japanese translation】Presidential Symposium in the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting
 of the Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2019

 International Collaborative Research and New Trends of Research Ethics
      Organizers: Shimoda K,Watanabe H,Kurihara CKloiber O,Greco D,Imamura K,et al. 5-94
●[Electronic publications only]
 【Original English versions】Presidential Symposium in the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting
 of the Japanese Society of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2019

 International Collaborative Research and New Trends of Research Ethics
 Opening Remarks: The Declaration of Helsinki, CIOMS guidelines,
  ICH Renovation and New Trend of Research Ethics
Shimoda K,Watanabe H,Kurihara C179-86
Full text
 Declaration of Helsinki: Challenges and new trends ahead of usKloiber O
Discussant: Imamura K
Full text
 The Past, Present, and Future of Ethics of International Health Research:
  Research as a stepping-stone to Universal Public Health Care Access
Greco D207-31
Full text
 International collaborative research and new trends
  of research ethics: Follow-up session
Kloiber O,Greco D,Perottino MV,et al.233-65
Full text
Forum COVID-19 Response
 [Electronic publications only]Special contribution: A Proposal for
  the Confrontation of the COVID-19 pandemic
Greco D 267-71
Full text
 【Japanese translation】 95-9Full text
●[Electronic publications only]
 【Original English versions】The 120th Pharmaceutical Study Group Meeting
 Ethics of international collaborative research: Perspectives from Brazil
 Part 1 Selected notes on Paulo Freire
 Part 2 Access, Compulsory license, Case Study
Greco D,Kimura R,Perottino MV,et al. 273-301
Full text
 Quaternary preventionof gambling disorder: From the viewpoint
  of the effectiveness of treatment and prevention
Saio T 131-43Full text
Forum COVID-19 Response
 Special contribution: To avoid COVID-19 associated pneumonia
  ~ A careful life style to create a new society ~
Fukushima M 145-50Abstract
 Special contribution: Critical points of early detection and
  early interventionin the management of COVID-19
Fukushima M,Kawamoto A,Zhou B 151-6Abstract
 Health care users should be prepared for making severe choicesNudeshima J 157-9Abstract
 A critical appraisal of the recommendation on the allocation of
  artificial respirators during the COVID-19 outbreak in Japan
Saio T 161-6Abstract
Instructions for authors[Japanese]&[English] 167-75Full text
Editor's noteKurihara C177Full text

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