Vol. 51, No. 3, Feb. 2024
Data science from the view of the Regulatory Science and Open Science: Theory and human resource development
~Pre-symposium for the establishment of Interfaculty Initiative in Regulatory Science of Biomedical Science and Engineering, Gunma University~
EditorialTsubaki H 352-3Full text
Data science from the view of the Regulatory Science and Open Science:
 Theory and human resource development
 ~Pre-symposium for the establishment of Interfaculty Initiative in Regulatory Science
 of Biomedical Science and Engineering, Gunma University~

    Organized by Gunma University
    Cooperated by The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
 Opening RemarksHayashi K359-60
・Part 1: Data Science from the view of Regulatory Science
 Reflecting upon the regulatory science and ethics pursued by the Risk
  Research Network of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
Tsubaki H361-5
 Regulatory Science Education at Graduate School of Gunma UniversityYuminaka Y366-73
 Patient and Public Involvement and educational program development required for
  cancer research: New human resource development from a regulatory science perspective
Katayama K374-8
 Designated RemarksIdeno Y379
 Open Discussion 380-1
・Part 2: Data Science from the view of Open Science
 The open science and its enemies: the era of meta-scientific renaissanceSaio T382-90Full text
 Global trends of policy development toward open science: bioethical perspectiveKurihara C391-409Full text
 Clinical Trial Data Sharing/Utilization trends and company initiativesKato T410-8Full text
 Designated remarks from the view of patient and publicMurakami T,Suzuki K419-22
 Open Discussion 423-6
 Closing RemarksHanaya M,Tsubaki H,
Hayashi K
 Validity Issues in the Yaju-Tsubaki Paper and Subsequent Articles
  What is the variable“ Study Period”?
Suzuki S429-46Full text
 Consideration for Approving Associations between COVID-19 Vaccines and
  Cerebral and Cardiovascular Disease by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan
Suzumura Y447-58Full text
 Adult attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) revisited:
  with differential diagnoses of older adult ADHD
Saio T459-70Abstract
 A preliminary review of Health Technology Assessment
  in palliative care utilizing Digital Health Technologies
Sakai M471-8Abstract
Article and translation
 Side effects of COVID-19 vaccines: Academic reports presented at medical conferences
  in Japan and a PubMed Survey
Konishi N,Hirai Y,
Hikota H,et al.
479-521Full text
 Autoimmune inflammatory reactions triggered by the COVID-19 genetic vaccines
  in terminally differentiated tissues
Polykretis P,Donzelli A,
Lindsay JC,et al.
(Trans. by MediTRANS)
523-34Full text
 Note to Japanese translationFukushima M,Hirai Y535Full text
Instructions for authors[Japanese]&[English] 537-45Full text
Editor’s noteHayashi K 547Full text

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