Vol.48, Suppl XXXVII 2021
The real status of Japan’s “2040 issue”: The role and mission of TRI / Road to Learning Health Society
EditorialFukushima M 4-5Full text
 The real status of Japan’s “2040 issue”: The role and mission of TRIFukushima M7-39Full text
 Material:Annual Report 2019Fukushima M41-5Full text
 Keynote Address
 Road to Learning Health Society
  -For drastic reduction of the social burden
   of medical expenses and care-needed population
Fukushima M47-55Full text
 Interview with Dr. Miguel R. Jorge, the 70th President (2019-2020),
  the World Medical Association: “Patient-physician relationship” and empathy
Jorge MR
(Interview and trans. Kurihara C,Saio T)
 【Japanese version】57-64Abstract
 【English version】65-71Full text
 The 6th Congress of Asian College of Neuropsychopharmacology
  -Neuropsychopharmacology to the next generation: New wave from Asia-
   Part 1 Community Care and Global Mental Health:
        Innovative Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy Strategies in Asia
   Part 2 Open Lab Meeting
   Part 3 Additional message on COVID-19 and mental health
Hwang TY,Sihombing T,
Yang YK,Shimoda K,et al.
73-146Full text
 Dubious justifiability of involuntary hospitalization:
  A cross-cultural, system-dynamic analysis
Park H,Saio T,
Dhai A,Kurihara C
147-63Full text

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