Vol. 50, No. 1, Jun. 2022
The current state of the legal framework for research involving humans: International and domestic analysis
EditorialKurihara C 4Full text
The current state of the legal framework for research involving humans:
 International and domestic analysis
 The current state of the French Law on Research involving Human Being:
  As a result of the adjustment of doctrine and practice under the EU regulation
Nudeshima J5-19Full text
 Challenges and proposals for improvement of the implementation
  of the Clinical Trial Act, based on the comparison
   of the three research regulations in Japan
    -Report 2: focusing on data-driven research and privacy protection-
Kurihara C, Mimura M, Oi H,
Taruno H, Sato Y, Koike R,
Watanabe H
21-48Full text
 Linking the Declarations of Helsinki and of Taipei:
  Critical challenges of future-oriented research ethics
   Original English version
Chieko Kurihara,Varvara Baroutsou,
Sander Becker,et al.,
on behalf of Working Group on Ethics
of the International Federation
of Pharmaceutical Physicians
and Pharmaceutical Medicine
(Trans. by Kurihara C, Matsuyama K)
49-57Full text
 Proposal for future revisions of the Declaration of Helsinki
   Original English version
   Poster (Japanese)Poster (English)
Kurihara C
(Trans. by Kurihara C, Matsuyama K)
59-61Full text
 Can the COVID-19 vaccine booster vaccination prevent pandemics?
   Fig. 1Fig. 2(color version)/ Appendix
Kikuchi T, Nakatani E, Hirai Y,
Fukushima M
63-76Full text
 Problems of “Comparison between two papers analyzing data
  from the Nagoya City Cervical Cancer Immunization Program Survey Results”
Suzuki S 77-85Full text
 Necessary knowledge and skillsets in the pharmaceutical industry:
  Assessment from the survey targeting early career pharmaceutical
   physicians with less than five years of industry experiences
Maeda-Chubachi T, Tamada H, Seriu T 87-99Abstract
 Loss of opportunity for psychological autopsy: The surge of suicides of youths
  and females during the coronavirus pandemic in Japan remains unexplained
Saio T 101-22Full text
 Introduction of a book on clinical trial by Kageyama S. :
  A toolbox for sound scientific and
   ethical study toward well-being of users of the study results
Kurihara C 123-6Full text
 Introducing Writing English Scientific Research Papers Directly from the Template
  by Paul Langman and Yukiko Imamura
Imamura Y 127-31Full text
Instructions for authors[Japanese]&[English] 117-25Full text
Editor’s noteNudeshima J 143Full text

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