Vol.46, No.3・4, Feb. 2019
Clinical trial data sharing; Clinical Trial Act in Japan / FDA・EMA Guidance on botanical/herbal product development/
From the symposium titled “Product development and research ethics: the past, present and future”
at the 16th annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies
EditorialKurihara M434 Full text
Clinical trial data sharing; Clinical Trial Act in Japan /
 FDA・EMA Guidance on botanical/herbal product development
 Research infrastructure for individual participant data sharing in clinical trialsKono K435-52Abstract
 Meaning to translate “FDA Guidance for Industry: Botanical Drug Development”Nishimura H453-4
 Botanical Drug Development Guidance for IndustryU.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
Food and Drug Administration,
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
(Trans. by Nishimura H,Taketsuna M)
 Guideline on Good Agricultural and Collection Practice (GACP) for
  Starting Materials of Herbal Origin
European Medicines Agency,
Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products (HMPC)
(Trans. by Nishimura H)
 Efforts to align with the Clinical Trials Act at Osaka University HospitalAsano K,Iwasaki K,Kobayashi M,et al. 489-95Abstract
 Chronic pains and psychiatric diseases of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: A literature reviewSaio T 497-503Abstract
From the symposium titled
 “Product development and research ethics: the past, present and future”
 at the 16th annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Science and Technology Studies
 Dual use issues in a transitional period of life sciences and bioethicsKawahara N 505-12Abstract
 The end of the DSM era and the rise of pluralism in psychiatryKuroki T 513-24Abstract
 Manipulative business: Janus-faced modern enterprises and dual usage of psychological techniquesSaio T 525-34Abstract
 Product development and research ethics: the past, present and future
  -At the crossroad of the “dual use” of technology
Kurihara C,Saio T 535-48Abstract
 Compensation for clinical trial related injury-Commentary for clinical trial of medical device-The Japan Federation of
Medical Devices Associations
Instructions for authors [Japanese] & [English]569-77Full text
Editor's noteKageyama S579Full text

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