Vol.38,No. 2,Sep. 2010 The use of Bayesian statistics in clinical trials
●EditorialTsubaki H260
 Statistical principles for clinical evaluationTsubaki H261-8
●The use of Bayesian statistics in clinical trials  
 Introduction to Bayesian statisticsMatsuyama Y269-79
 Applications of Bayesian statistics to early phase cancer clinical trialsMorita S281-90
 Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff
  Guidance for the Use of Bayesian Statistics in Medical Device Clinical Trials
     U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,
     Food and Drug Administration (FDA),
     Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH),et al.
(trans. by Teramukai S,Daimon T) 291-326
 On the FDA guidance for the use of Bayesian statistics in medical device
   clinical trials
Teramukai S,Daimon T327-34
 Interview with Prof. David Yang
  PET molecular imaging, drug development, and FDA guidance
Yang D
(Interview and supervising trans. by Inoue T,Kurihara C)
 Commentary on the interview with Prof. David Yang
  PET molecular imaging in the RDRC system and drug development
   in United States
Kurihara C,Inoue T353-8
 Lecture by Dr. Cate Howell   Keeping the blues away:
  The ten-step guide to reducing the relapse of depression
Howell C359-73
 Relapse-recurrence prevention of depressive disorders:
  Review of the literature with an impression on the lecture
   of Dr. Cate Howell in Tokyo 2010
Saio T375-8
 Unveiling Japanese pricing of biosimilar drugs:
  To clarify muddied regulatory rules of pricing
Kamada I,Yokoya S379-84
 On extrapolation of animal experimentations to humans: An overviewSaio T,Kurihara C385-92
●Translation and article  
 Toward More Uniform Conflict Disclosures:
  The Updated ICMJE Conflict of Interest Reporting Form
Drazen JM,de Leeuw PW,Laine C,et al.
(trans. by Saio T,Fukushima Y)
 Commentary on the revision of “Uniform Disclosure Form
  for Potential Conflicts of Interest” by ICMJE
Kurihara C,Saio T405-9
Instructions for authors [Japanese] & [English] 411-6
●Editor's noteTsuchiya F417

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