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The 2024 Declaration of Helsinki: Taking Forward Bioethics and Human Rights
 Monday, 5, 26, August 2024 Zoom webinar


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            ●Video recording of the webinar
             ・Day 1 (Dec. 4, Monday)【Part 1 and Prof. Kimura from Part 2】
              Brazil, South Africa, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan
             ・Day 2 (Dec. 6, Wednesday)【Part 2, 3】
              Ethical principles and drug development strategy, including proposal from patient and public
            ●CIOMS News Letter to introduce this webinar (see at the bottom of page 5 and 7)
 ●The contents with abstracts of chapters:
 ●Author profiles:
 ●Contents and webinar slides:
  Part I Relevant Constructions from Global South and/or Asian Paradigms: Brazil, South Africa, Taiwan, South Korea, and Japan
  ・Democracy Restoration in Brazil, the Constitutional Guarantee of Health as a Right for All,
    Giving Rise to a Universal Health System (SUS) and of a National Research Ethics Commission
      Dirceu Greco and Bernardo Galvão-Castro
  ・Equitable Access to COVID-19 Vaccines, Vaccine Research, and Vaccine Apartheid on the African Continent:
    Challenges and Recommendations
      Ames Dhai
  ・Response to COVID-19 Pandemic and Ethical Innovations in Taiwan
      Ian Chen, Yvonne Chen, and Daniel Fu-Chang Tsai
  ・Between Truth and Profit: Scientific Misconduct Case of Human Cloned Embryonic Stem Cell
    and Revisiting Cases During COVID-19 Pandemic
      Young-Joon Ryu
  ・Therapeutic Misconception as the Basis for Vaccine Nationalism of Japan:
    A Historical Reflection and Perspectives for Global Public Health
      Chieko Kurihara and Takeo Saio
  Part II Historical and International Perspectives on the Development of Ethical Principles in Research Involving Humans
  ・The Declaration of Helsinki as a Living Document: Revisiting Its Principles in a Global Pandemic
      Ramin W. Parsa-Parsi and Otmar Kloiber
  ・Hidden Medical War Crimes and the Emergence of Bioethics in Japan
      Rihito Kimura
  ・From Nuremberg to Helsinki: Historicizing the Codification of Post-War Research Ethics
      Ulf Schmidt
  ・CIOMS Research Guidelines: Considering the Needs of Developing Countries
      Lembit Rägo and Monika Zweygarth
  ・Ethics of Placebo-Controlled Trials: Historical Analysis Including Experiences During the COVID-19 Pandemic
      Chieko Kurihara, Dirceu Greco, Ames Dhai, Takeo Saio, and Hiroe Tsubaki
  ・Post-Trial Access: Historical Analysis Considering the Experience of COVID-19 Pandemic
      Chieko Kurihara, Dirceu Greco, and Ames Dhai
  ・Our “WMA Declaration of Helsinki”: Opinions and Proposals from Patient and Public for Research Ethics
      Chieko Kurihara, Keiko Inoue, Hiroto Kai, Katsura Suzuki, Haruko Saeki,
      Yoshikazu Funabashi, Noriko Kishi, Akemi Kuge, Toshie Murakami,
      Yoshiko Saito, Eiko Uchida, Naoki Tsutsumi, and Kyoko Imamura
  Part III Alternative Frameworks for Innovation and Drug Development Strategies
  ・Medicines Development for Global Health: Learning from COVID-19 Vaccines R&D
      Varvara Baroutsou
  ・Development of Portfolios and Pipelines of Drugs for the Treatment, Prevention and Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases
      Kiyoshi Kita, Haruki Yamada, Fumiko Hirabayashi, and Simon L. Croft
  ・Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) and Pharmaceutical Development Through Open Innovation Processes: Recent Activities
      Kotone Matsuyama, Naoki Tsutsumi, Keiko Inoue, Noriko Iwaya, and Kyoko Imamura
    Song presented by Matsuyama, Opera singer