Vol.38, No.4, Mar. 2011
The international conference in Matsuyama for promoting global clinical new drug developments/
Consensus meeting for adipose tissue derived stem cell therapy
●EditorialNomoto M640
The international conference in Matsuyama
 for promoting global clinical new drug developments
 ─ Agenda for global clinical trials in Asia ─

     Organized by:Clinical Research Trial Center, Ehime University Hospital
     The Head of the Executive Committee:Nomoto M
 Opening remarksNomoto M643
 Current status and future perspectives in global/Asian clinical trials:
  PMDA reviewer's point of view
Shinagawa K644-53
 Clinical trials in Asian countries: Present and futureMizuno Y654-61
 Current status and future perspectives in Asian clinical trials:Anti-dementia drugsHomma A662-6
 Clinical trials in neurological disorders in KoreaSohn YH667-75
 Global clinical studies in Asia: Philippines sideRosales RL676-89
 Dosages and evidence on medicines in different countries, area or ethnicsNomoto M690-6
 Medication use in Caucasian patients attending
  the Royal Adelaide Hospital Parkinson's Disease Clinic
Kimber T697-705
 Paths to sound discussions on dose setting of new drugsOno S706-12
 Exploratory clinical trialsMayahara H713-9
 Early clinical trials in global development:
  Current status and problems that Japan faces
Uemura N720-4
 Closing remarksOhashi K725
Consensus meeting for adipose tissue derived stem cell therapy
     Organized by:Translational Research Informatics Center,
     Foundation for Biomedical Research and Innovation
 Opening remarks Clinical development of stem cell therapyFukushima M729-38
 State of the art of adipose tissue stem cellsOchiya T739-48
 Identification of adult human pluripotent stem cells that reside in mesenchymal tissues
  and their possible application to neurodegenerative and neurotraumatic diseases
Dezawa M749-60
 Dedifferentiated fat (DFAT) cells as a new cell source for regenerative medicineMatsumoto T761-5
 Osteo-chondral regeneration by High Density Mesenchymal stem cell
  scaffold free Autologous Constructs (HD MACs) with ADRCs
Nakayama K766-8
 Application of MSC derived from fatty tissue to small size liver graftingKobayashi E,Fujimoto Y,Teratani T,Uemoto S769-74
 Data supporting clinical research with ADRCs: Answers to potential questions
  from IRBs and regulatory agencies
Fraser JK775-84
 Autologous bone marrow cell infusion therapy for liver cirrhosisSakaida I785-92
 Autologous adipose tissue derived stem cell therapy for stress urinary incontinenceYamamoto T793-7
 Breast reconstruction and closure of therapy-resistant fistulaTanaka F,Mimori K,Mori M,Hedrick MH798-803
 Aim to establish the periodontal tissue regeneration with adipose-derived stem cellsTobita M804-7
 Fat grafting with adipose stromal cellsYoshimura K808-14
 SummaryFukushima M815
Clinical Trial Project Management Seminar & Workshop:
 Health Labour Sciences Research Grant Project of
 ‘Promoting the establishment of clinical research (clinical trial) infrastructure'
 supported by The Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare

     Organized by:Clinical Pharmacology Center, Oita University Hospital,
     General Clinical Research Center, Oita University Hospital,
     Japan Clinical Pharmacology Network for Global Trials (J-CLIPNET)
 IntroductionUemura N,Morimoto T,Suzaki Y818
 Challenges and prospects of project management
  of the clinical trial unit of a university hospital
Suzaki Y820-4
 Clinical research projects with academic and industry allianceInano A825-31
 A search for the most effective project management model in the pharmaceutical
   industry: Project Managers (PM) and Project Leaders (PL)-Do we need both?
Ohura CK832-7
 Education and training for ethics board members: Is e-learning the solution?Tajima M,Nagamura F839-53
 Progress in human genome research prompts a paradigm shift in research ethicsMotojima M,Inoue I,Yonemoto S,Ichikawa I855-67
 Policy proposal for promoting clinical trialsFukushima M,Ohno T,Matsuyama K,et al.869-84
 Do a small part of participating doctors contribute a large part of enrollment
   in clinical trials?: Validation of the Pareto's law in the CASE-J trial
Oe Y,Ueshima K,Oba K,et al.885-90
 Which is the more appropriate term, “antiepileptic drug” or “anticonvulsant”,
   for the therapeutic indication of a phenobarbital sodium injection?
Kamada I891-8
 CommentaryInoue Y895-7
Instructions for authors [Japanese] & [English] 899-904
Editor's noteTsutani K905

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